What Triggered My Realization That I Was a Medium?

People often ask me, “What was the moment that made you realize you were a Medium?

The truth is, there wasn’t just one defining moment. It was more of a gradual buildup—a battle between denial, headaches, fear, and eventually, acceptance. Everything changed when I helped a spirit cross over.

A Memory That Stood Out

Looking back, this question triggered a long-forgotten memory. It was during a family vacation to Florida—we were visiting my family before heading to Universal Studios. I remember standing in my Nana’s bookstore, deep in conversation with my dad, when suddenly, I heard voices.

I turned my head, expecting to see someone there, but there was no one. At that exact moment, my dad, Nana, and uncle all looked in the same direction where I had heard the voices.

That was the moment I started talking openly about my experiences—at least with my dad.

It turned out that the spirit I heard was just visiting, and my father’s side of the family could hear them too! I remember being so angry with my dad because I had spent years feeling like I was crazy. Why didn’t he tell me? Why did I feel so alone in my experiences?

Keeping It Quiet in the '70s and '80s

The answer? Fear.

People like me—those who were gifted—learned to keep it under wraps during the '70s and '80s. Back then, the world was very black and white, with little acceptance for anything gray or outside of the "normal." There were real fears that being open about seeing or hearing spirits could land someone in a psychiatric ward.

My dad and I had many conversations after that—about the spirit world, what was real, what wasn’t, and why we had stayed quiet for so long

The Turning Point: Paranormal Investigations

Then something happened that made me realize my gifts had a purpose.

A show called TAPS aired on TV—a ghost-hunting show that wasn’t staged. These weren’t actors; they were real people, doing real investigations, providing a real service.

I watched every episode, soaking it all in. Some shows I dismissed after a few episodes when it was clear they weren’t authentic. And, oh, I got angry at Zach from Ghost Adventures for provoking spirits instead of respecting them. But still, I watched until the show’s energy went dark.

That’s when it hit me: There was a real use for what I could do.

It took a long time, but I finally found a ghost-hunting group in my area—Erie Shores Paranormal. Becoming a Paranormal Investigator was the first time I openly talked to strangers about my abilities. It was with them that I crossed over my first spirit. That experience solidified what I had always known deep down—I was a Medium.

Want to Ask Me a Question?

If you have any questions about Mediumship, Psychic Readings, Oracle Cards, Paranormal Investigations, or anything spiritual, feel free to reach out!

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